CompareMe Shopping Calculator App For iOS

Compare Prices & Package Sizes Offline
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Not Every Special Offer Is A Real Bargain At The Supermarket

The CompareMe Shopping Calculator lets you compare the price of products in different sizes and packs. Offline, where ever you are. CompareMe helps you save money with price comparison shopping and as a unit price calculator.

CompareMe Shopping Calculator

New CompareMe Version 3.0 is available now

We redesigned & recodeed our beloved CompareMe Shopping Utility iOS app from the ground up. It’s a huge update … you may even call it a new app. But we decided to share it with our incredible existing user base as a free update. All we ask is an honest review at the AppStore.

New CompareMe v3.0 as a universal app for iPhone and iPad

Supported Units

Pieces (#)
Dozen (dz.)
Thousand (k)

Gram (g)
Milligram (mg)
Kilogram (kg)
Metric Ton (t)

Ounce (oz.)
Pound (lb.)
Quarter (
Short Hundredweight (
Ton (

Long Quarter (qr.l.)
Long Hundredweight (cwt.l.)
Long Ton (tn.l.)

German Pfund (Pfd)

Meter (m)
Millimeter (mm)
Centimeter (cm)
Decimeter (dm)
Kilometer (km)

Foot (ft)
Inch (in)
Yard (yd)

Nautical Mile (nmi)

Statue Mile (st mi)

Liter (l)
Milliliter (ml)
Centiliter (cl)
Deciliter (dl)
Hectoliter (hl)

Cubic Meter (m³)
Cubic Millimeter (mm³)
Cubic Centimeter (cm³)
Cubic Decimeter (dm³)

Cubic Inch (cin.)
Cubic Foot (cft.)
Cubic Yard (cyd.)

Fluid Ounze (fl.oz.)
Liquid Gallon (gal.)
Liquid Quart (qt.)
Liquid Pint (pt.)
Cup (cup)
Gill (gi.)
Bushel (bsh.)

Peck (peck)
Dry Gallon (dry gal.)
Dry Quart (dry qt.)
Dry Pint (dry pt.)

Register Ton (RT)

PetrolBarrel (bbl.)

Imperial gallon (Imp. gal.)
Imperial quart (Imp. qt.)
Imperial bushel (Imp. bsh.)
Imperial pint (Imp. pt.)


Square Meter (m²)
Square Millimeter (mm²)
Square Centimeter (cm²)
Square Decimeter (dm²)
Square Kilometer (km²)

Are (a)
Hectare (ha)

Acre (ac.)
Imperial Acre (Imp. ac.)

Square Inch (
Square Yard (sq.yd.)
Square Feet (sq.ft.)

Bits (bit)
Bytes (B)

Kilobytes (10^3 Byte) (kB)
Megabytes (10^6 Byte) (MB)
Gigabytes (10^9 Byte) (GB)
Kilobytes (10^12 Byte) (TB)
Kilobytes (10^15 Byte) (PB)

Kibibytes (2^10 Byte) (KiB)
Mebibytes (2^20 Byte) (MiB)
Gibibytes (2^30 Byte) (GiB)
Tebibytes (2^40 Byte) (TiB)
Pebibytes (2^50 Byte) (PiB)

App Reviews

“CompareMe is a handy little app for saving a little money on the products we buy everyday.”

5 of 5 stars for CompareMe 1st Edition


iPhone Community

“The entire application has been designed for speed — buttons are large, text is easy to read, and color-coded results are instantly understandable.”

4.5 of 5 mice
for CompareMe 1st Edition

Kate Dohe


“CompareMe is a Good Calculator for Hard Economic Times”

score 7 of 10

for CompareMe 1st Edition

Michael Alexander


“One of the nice things about CompareMe, besides it simplistic style and perfect function, is the fact that everything is easy to use.”

4 of 5 stars
for CompareMe 1st Edition

Robert M. Barga

Blogcritics Magazine

Frequently Asked Questions

Compare products?
  • CompareMe V3.0 main screen neutralInput amount, package size & price of all products you want to compare.
  • Click on CompareMe and get the results.
  • Rounded discount and premium are displayed in percent as well as the cash you save or pay more.
  • If you want to get detailed price per unit information you can click on the details button on the right.
Set discount or premium?

CompareMe V3.0 Product discount screeen

  • Click on the discount or premium field.
  • Set the value and toggle the +/- button to switch between premium and discount.
  • If you want to see the recalculated price, you can hit the recalc button.
  • Finally hit the save button.

If you’re comparing more than two products, keep in mind that the premium is always calculated according to the cheapest product and the discount is calculated according to the most expensive product. Therefore, setting premium & discount in these scenarios may be a confusing.

Convert price?

CompareMe V3.0 dragging price

  • Compare prices by clicking on the central CompareMe button.
  • Drag the price to the price field of the other product and drop it.
  • Price is converted to the other package size.
  • You also can get the converted price information on the price per unit page by clicking on the detail button on the right.
Transfer package size?

CompareMe V3.0 transfer package size

  • Drag the amount or package size fields to the corresponding fields of the other product and drop it.
  • Amount and unit are transferred and – if the units are comparable – the price will be recalculated.
Negociate price?

CompareMe V3.0 overview

  • Set the amount, unit and price of the product in item A.
  • Drag and drop the amount or unit from item A to B.
  • Drag and drop the price from item A to B.
  • Now you can start to bargain 😉 …
  • To set a desired discount or premium just click on the 0%-field and input the value. The new price will be recalculated.
  • To set a desired price, click on it an input the desired value. The new discount or premium will be recalculated.

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