Printer drivers under Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard are still sometimes causing trouble. After explaining how to reactivate an OKI-printer – here is the solution for an Kyocera-Mita-printer … and as always: no guarantee and on your own risk:

Problem: After updating from Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard to OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard the installed printer driver for the Kyocera-postscript driver does not work anymore. Here it’s an Kyocera Mita FS-2000D … but it should also work with other models. The printer diver was installed under Leopard and worked quite well. After finishing the update to 10.6 you are able to send a print job to the printer, but an error message shows up in the print queue.

Diagnosis:There are incorrect file permissions under Snow Leopard fort he Kyocera printer driver … and this causes some trouble. BTW a warm thank you to @kappuchino for his diagnosis and solution!

Solution:There is nothing like fixing the bug yourself 😉 You can easily fix the problem by one command in the Terminal:

  1. Log into your Mac as an administrator.
  2. Open the program “Terminal” – you’ll find it under “Programs/Utilities”.
  3. Input the following command into the appearing command-line window and finish it with pressing the return-key:
    sudo chown root:wheel /usr/libexec/cups/filter/kyofilter
  4. Now, you’ll be prompted for your password … so put in your password of the admin account and finish the input by pressing the return key again
  5. That’s it. Just Close the Terminal program. Now printing on the Kyocera printer should be work like a charm.

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