by Chris | Feb 14, 2010 | Applications, Mobile
Happy Valentine’s day 2010! Last year, 30 German iPhone developers joint their forces and reduced their app prices to the max to make you smile on Valentine’s day … this year everything is bigger: Now more than 80 apps are reduced to the max to...
by Chris | Feb 14, 2009 | Applications, Culture, Mobile
Happy Valentine’s day! Nearly 30 German iPhone developers joint their forces and reduced their app prices to the max to make you smile on Valentine’s day đŸ˜‰ Our iPhone app CompareMe is also available for $0.99. So check out maybe...
by Chris | Jan 31, 2009 | Applications, Mobile
The last days really have been thrilling: The first reviews of our shopping app CompareMe for the iPhone and iPod touch came out. The first two reviews on the US AppStore – really exciting, because when somebody is interested to buy the app – this is where...
by Chris | Jan 5, 2009 | Applications, Development, Mobile
These days are really exciting: Tomorrow at 9:00 PST (18:00 CET) Phil Schiller, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing bei Apple, will begin his keynote at MacWorldExpo … and today CompareMe, the first codedifferent iPhone application is released...