by Chris | Jan 14, 2009 | Applications, Culture, Web
Great! Now, also some German universities publish some free podcasts, videos and scripts via “iTunes U”. Until now, you can find content from the following universities from Germany: Hasso Plattner Institut / IT Systems Engineering / University of Potsdam...
by Chris | Sep 23, 2008 | Applications, Development, Hardware, Mobile
Today at 10:30 ETC (16:30 MEZ) we’ll be enlightened: At that time the T-Mobile press conference begins in New York. The first Android mobile phone should be announced there. Even here at the Google Developer Day in Munich there is nothing specific new and...
by Chris | Feb 8, 2008 | Culture, Hardware, Mac
If you can trust the Apple job postings the first retail Apple Store won’t be located in the German capital Berlin – but in the beautiful city of Munich 😉 Wonderful: finally a Genious-Bar nearby! There is just one open question – will the rumors...
by Chris | Jan 29, 2008 | Applications, Development, Mobile
It was quite interesting to watch a presentation at the MobileMonday in Munich of Antonio Vince Staybl, CEO of the creators of the mobile off-portal community They did an amazing job over the last five years in growing their mobile community and...
by Chris | Mar 13, 2007 | Applications, Mobile
The German mobile service "Call a Bike" shows, that mobile services do not only need to be virtual. This year the mobile phone based bike-sharing service is rolled out in Stuttgart, the city you probably know as the home of DaimlerChrysler. The system is...