by Chris | Feb 11, 2010 | Development, Web
I had a lot of trouble with some rubygem warnings after upgrading to Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 3.0 on Mac OS x Snow Leopard. They always occurred when I started the server within the project with the command rails server At first, when running on bundler 0.9.3, I had two...
by Chris | Aug 6, 2008 | Development, Development, Development, Mac, Mobile, Web
Pratik Naik from the Rails core team just published the announcement for a new Ruby on Rails hackfest: The person with the most patches merged into the core at the end of the month wins. In August, O’Reilly will handout a free pass to the RailsConf Europe. Keep...
by Chris | Aug 6, 2008 | Development, Development, Development, Mac, Mobile, Web
From Sept. 2nd to Sept. 4th 2008 the Ruby on Rails community will meet at the RailsConf Europe. It’s the third RailsConf in Europe and it will located in Berlin/Germany again. Last year, more than 800 Rails enthusiasts joined the conference – a great...
by Chris | Apr 3, 2008 | Development, Development, Mobile, Web
Looking back into an extremely successful year 2007 with 1,600 participants at the RailsConf 2007 and 800 participants at the RailsConf Europe 2007, the year 2008 will be the year of the Rails-2.0 conferences. April 4th/5th 2008: ScotlandOnRails, Edinburgh, Scotland...
by Chris | Apr 2, 2008 | Development, Development, Development, Mac, Mobile, Web
Zend Framework reached Version 1.5 since the last article about Zend or Rails. Ruby on Rails also did a big step towards version 2 – 2.0.2, too be precise 😉 So, who is my personal winner in this race? Which framework suits best for fast and innovative web application...