by Chris | Apr 10, 2011 | Applications, Web
The automatic update function of WordPress makes it super easy to update the wp-installation. Most of the time 🙂 If there’s an update which is not working as requested, you do not need to switch to manual mode and search for your FTP-access on the server...
by Chris | Jan 13, 2010 | Applications, Applications, Development, Development, Mac, Web
MAMP, a local webserver environment for the Mac, is perfect for testing, developing and designing with WordPress. MAMP comes with a ready to use configuration of Apache, MySQL and PHP in a single folder. But after installing and configuring a WordPress blog, you may...
by Chris | Jan 12, 2009 | Applications, Development, Web
Problem: After updating the blog to WP 2.7 everything was running smooth. But when opening some of the plugin setting pages the server responded with a “500 Internal Server Error” – especially when using plugins like “XML Sitemap Generator for...
by Chris | Jan 12, 2009 | Applications, Web
I just installed the Flash based tag cloud WordPress plugin WP-Cumulus of Roy Tanck and integrated it into the tag-cosmos-page. That 3D-tag-cloud is really great! It functions properly and is easy to configure. The only downer is Flash … but Roy can’t help...
by Chris | Sep 9, 2008 | Applications, Development, Web
The development team of popular open-source blog-software Wordpress just released the security update 2.6.2. It is highly recommended to install the update to eliminate some security issues within the WordPress installation – especially for blogs with open...