by Chris | Oct 20, 2010 | Applications, Culture, Development, Hardware, Mac
Today, October 20th at 10 AM PST (07 PM CET), Apple invited the press to their “Back to the Mac” media event in Cupertino, California. iPhone, iPad and the iPod are quite important … but there sure are the MacBooks, MacBook Pros, the iMacs, the Mac...
by Chris | Apr 4, 2008 | Development, Development, Development, Mac, Mobile, Web
From June 9 to 13 it’s all about the Mac and iPhone developer community in San Francisco under the warm sun of California: At the Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference the whole hardware and software developer community is gathering to get and exchange...
by Chris | Feb 9, 2008 | Culture, Culture, Culture, Mac, Mobile, Web
It’s quite interesting to go into the browser / OS marketshare statistics Net Applications is gathering. Within the last 12 months, the marketshare of Apple Mac OS X powered computers increased from 6.38% in Feb 2007 to 7.57% in Jan 2008 – a growth rate of...
by Chris | Mar 16, 2007 | Development, Mac
From June 11 to 15 it’s all about the Mac developer community in San Francisco under the warm sun of California: At the Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference the whole hardware and software developer community is gathering to get and exchange Mac...
by Chris | Mar 6, 2007 | Hardware, Mac
Net Applications is analyzing market shares of the different operating systems according to the Internet usage of these computer systems. It’s basically the same technology of services like Google-Analytics, but Net Applications is not only analyzing the...