by Chris | Sep 9, 2015 | Applications, Culture, Development, Hardware, Mobile
The idea to involve Siri in the event tagline was gorgeous: “Hey Siri, give us a hint” 😉 It’s gonna be an epic Apple Media Event at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco on this September 9th 2015. It’s time for the next generation...
by Chris | Oct 24, 2011 | Culture, Culture, Culture, Mac, Mobile, Web
Apple just published the video of the tribute to Steve special event at the Apple Campus on October 19, 2011. So kind, that the Apple folks are sharing the event with us. Thanks. It’s really moving. Picture: Apple
by Chris | Oct 6, 2011 | Applications, Applications, Applications, Culture, Culture, Culture, Development, Development, Development, Hardware, Hardware, Hardware, Mac, Mix, Mobile, Web
Thank you for so much, Steve. I was deeply moved by Your commencement speech in Stanford as I am when I watch it today …
by Chris | Oct 5, 2011 | Applications, Culture, Development, Hardware, Mobile
Sure, it’s not Steve Jobs presenting on this special event … but I think the mixture of Tim Cook, Scott Forstall, Eddy Cue and Phil Schiller giving the presentation works out quite well. But see it for yourself by watching the official video-stream from...
by Chris | Mar 3, 2011 | Applications, Culture, Development, Hardware, Mobile
Great to see Steve Jobs on stage again. The presentation is about three blocks of information: The market: Steve presents some amazing numbers … 15 Million iPads sold, 100 Million iPhones sold, 100 Million iBooks downloaded, 200 Million Accounts on the...
by Chris | Mar 2, 2011 | Applications, Culture, Development, Hardware, Mobile
What’s Apple focussing on in the year 2011? Is it “just” the iPad2? Or is there just one more thing … 😉 Let’s find out on the Apple Special Event at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts! March 2nd 10:00 AM PST (7:00 PM MEZ). Apple did not...