A short reminder on how to name your iPhone / iPad app icons properly. Sure, you can always specify those names specificy in the application info.plist. But why not chose convention over configuration to make life easier 😉

Icon.png (required)
# 57x57px ... standard iPhone icon
Icon@2x.png (required)
# 114x114px ... retina display iPhone icon
Icon-72.png (required)
# 72x72px ... standard iPad icon
Icon-Small.png (recommended)
# 29x29px ... standard iPhone Spotlight search icon
Icon-Small@2x.png (recommended)
# 58x58px ... retina display iPhone Spotlight search icon
Icon-Small-50.png (recommended)
# 50x50px ... standard iPad Spotlight search icon

Just drag the files into the “Supporting Files folder” within Xcode and allow Xcode to copy the files into the proper directory of your app.
If you also want to adhoc distribute your app – like, in beta testing – you should also include the following iTunesArtwork-file in your source. If you want it to render with the shiny Apple effects in iTunes you need to provide a JPEG file, if it should be rendered untouched just use a PNG. The iTunesArtwork file must not have a file extention:

# 512x521px ... iTunes icon used with adhoc distributions

And don’t forget to exclude the file in your iTunes-Connect distributions to the AppStore. There you upload the PNG file separately within the upload process in iTunesConnect!

Hope this saves some time 😉

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